
Try One of These Simple DIY Face Masks To See Your Skin Glow!

When hacks and common skincare products don't produce the desired results, organic and homemade face masks are the ideal backup. It only takes a small bit of effort and the appropriate recipes to achieve a lasting fix.

According to Sanchi Sehgal, the founder of Ozone Signature cosmetics, "the beautiful part about DIY face masks is that you can make them according to your skin type and skin condition, so you can give your skin exactly what it requires." Your face mask serves as a true chaperone for your skin, whether you have dry skin, oily skin, combination skin, acne, wide pores, or black/white heads. Here are a couple

Due to Dry Skin

Face masks for dry skin must contain honey as a key ingredient. It is perfect for dry, dull skin thanks to its natural antibacterial characteristics, especially in the winter when most people experience dryness.

The first is a concoction of milk and honey. Applying raw milk on your face will produce rapid results because it is a well-known moisturiser. Two drops of any essential oil and one spoonful of honey with aloe vera gel additions are the only additional ingredients needed. After being thoroughly mixed, it is now ready to be applied to your face. Your skin will remain smooth and moisturised thanks to this mask.

For Oily Skin

Many people are not aware that baking soda might aid in removing excess oil, blackheads, and whiteheads. Applying a face mask comprised of one tablespoon of water and one tablespoon of baking soda will help with the aforementioned problem. Baking soda and one tablespoon of water should be combined to make a paste that should be applied to the face and left on for ten minutes. Although it helps clear blocked pores, using the paste too often may result in inflammation and discomfort.

For Skin Combination

Because it manages oily skin, egg white is a superb ingredient that helps to seal pores on the nose and forehead. If you have an oily T-zone but dry cheeks, this ingredient can benefit you. Egg white is effective at removing blackheads and pimples because it can stop the buildup of microorganisms. Egg white, honey, and one spoonful of orange juice should be mixed together in a bowl to create a face mask. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder as well. For the best results, one should wait ten to fifteen minutes after creating a paste.

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