
To improve digestion, follow these five steps.

When food does not get digested well, it can cause a host of problems including feeling bloated and nausea. Digestive health is important, and as experts say, the gut ultimately dictates how your body and mind function.
According to nutritionists when digestion does not happen as it should, “your body sends you clear signals, such as excessive gas, bloating, high acidity, frequent loose motions, or bowel irregularity”.


A few simple lifestyle changes in nutrition and physical activity "may help your digestive system accomplish the job it is supposed to do more efficiently," which is "completely distribute and absorb nutrients for general health and effortlessly cleanse the body of its unwanted waste."

1. Chewing your meal 20 times: This helps to break it down and stimulates salivary enzymes, which improve digestion.
2. Drink water: It is critical to consume roughly 2-3 liters of water per day. It might provide your digestive system with a much-needed boost. Drink two glasses of lukewarm water first thing in the morning.
3. Exercise: Regular, moderate exercise, such as walking, can help get your bowels moving by pushing food smoothly through the digestive tract, lowering your chances of constipation.


4. Consume fiber-rich foods: Fibre absorbs water in your digestive system, giving your stool bulk and softness. But don't forget to drink plenty of water.
5. Pay attention to your body: If you feel the need to use the restroom, do so. Do not put off going to the bathroom since the stool might become dry and difficult to pass if it sits in the colon for an extended period of time.


"Our digestive tract is responsible for much more than just digestion. It boosts immunity, improves food absorption, and reduces the production of kidney and gallstones. So, start by making the appropriate food choices and lifestyle changes, and your digestive system will help you stay healthy," the expert stated.

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