
Simple ways to protect your skin from sunburn

Cool water
Sunburn is a type of skin inflammation that occurs when the skin is exposed to the sun. Cooling down the affected area is one of the simplest techniques to relieve inflammation. Jumping in the water, whether it's an ocean, lake, or stream, is an excellent technique to relieve sunburn right away, even if you're still outside. Sunburn can be avoided by dipping in and out during the day. Pools should be avoided because chlorinated water irritates the skin even more. You should also avoid putting ice straight on your skin. Although it may appear pleasant when your skin is burning, it could actually worsen the damage to your burnt skin, which is already sensitive.


Aloe vera 
You should get an aloe vera plant if you don't already have one. For ages, the gel inside this succulent plant has been used to treat anything from upset stomachs to kidney problems. It's also the most prevalent over-the-counter sunburn treatment.
Breaking off a piece of the plant and applying the gel straight to the skin provides instant, calming treatment from moderate sunburn. If you can't find a plant, a 100% aloe vera gel will suffice (not an aloe-based lotion or ointment). These gels are widely available at pharmacies.


Find a shady spot.
By seeking shade under an umbrella, tree, or other shelter, you can lower your risk of skin damage and skin cancer. Even if you're in the shade, use sunscreen or wear protective gear to protect your skin.


Remember to use a moisturiser.
Your skin will still require some gentle loving care after the initial treatment. Applying moisturiser to the affected areas on a daily basis is one of the most critical things you can do to avoid — or at least minimise — skin peeling. To minimise skin irritation to a minimal, use a fragrance- and dye-free moisturiser (marketed for "sensitive skin").

You could also take a bath to assist chill and relax your skin.

The following are some at-home facial redness cures to try.
Protect the skin on your face from the sun by wearing sunscreen. When you're outside, always use sunscreen and wear a hat.
Observe a skincare regimen: Keep your face clean by just using cool water and gentle cleansers, and avoid allowing your skin to get too dry by controlling oil production.
Use products that are gentle or that are recommended: Try over-the-counter remedies tailored to your skin condition.
Take care of your general health: Make dietary, sleeping, and exercise improvements to boost your general health.
Reduce your stress levels: Make changes to your lifestyle that will assist you in reducing and managing stress.


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