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बालों के झड़ने का क्या कारण है?


ऐसी संभावना है कि आप रोजाना दर्जनों बाल झड़ सकते हैं। यदि बालों के रोम क्षतिग्रस्त हो जाते हैं, या कोई चिकित्सीय स्थिति है जो विकास चक्र को बाधित करती है, तो यह हेयरलाइन के घटने का कारण हो सकता है। बालों के झड़ने के कुछ अन्य कारण इस प्रकार हैं:


How to Take Care of Contact Lenses!

Risks of Wearing Contact Lenses
Contact lenses that are too old or don't fit properly can irritate your eyes. They can also cause blood vessels to develop into your cornea, posing a serious risk to your vision.
Contact lens difficulties can be caused by eye drops. When using contacts, it's advisable to avoid applying any form of eye drop. However, if your eye doctor recommends it, you can use wetting drops or preservative-free lubricating drops.
If your eyes are very red, painful, watery, or sensitive to light, take out your contact lenses and call your eye doctor straight once. If your eyesight is hazy or you observe a discharge (ooze or pus) coming from your eye, do the same. These could be signs of a significant eye condition.


गर्मियों में कभी-कभी शरीर में खुजली इतनी बढ़ जाती है कि पूरी बॉडी में खुजली वाले दाने भी निकल आते हैं।

गर्मी में अक्सर धूल और पसीने के कारण शरीर में खुजली होने लगती है। यहां तक कि कुछ लोगों को यह समस्या इतनी ज्यादा हो जाती है कि शरीर में खुजली के कारण भी दाने निकल आते हैं। ये सभी चीजें धूप, धूल या संक्रमण के कारण हो सकती हैं।

Benefits of Heating Pad

  • Heating pad 

Heating pads offer topical heat therapy to different parts of the body. These products may help soothe aching muscles and joints and relieve pain. Research suggests that heat therapy decreases pain and increases blood flow, metabolism, and connective tissue elasticity.

Usages, Advantages, and Side Effects of Flaxseed Oil

Today, as people grow more health conscious, there is a high demand for foods with excellent nutritional content. Since the dawn of civilization, one such crop has increased in both cultivation and health advantages. Flaxseed is officially known as Linum usitatissimum L, which means "extremely beneficial" in Latin.

Life Style
Ways to Rebuild a Broken Relationship

Despite what people tell you, burning bridges is a great way to keep pace in the rat race – dancing in the flames of a burnt bridge is great motivation to work faster and keep pushing forward. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to go back and rebuild a broken bridge for the sake of the better good. Here are a few ways to rebuild a broken relationship.

Anyone Who Doesn’t Know How to Relax

You probably don’t need anyone to tell you that rest and relaxation are important, but have you ever put thought into how to relax? It might feel like a weird question, given that rest can seem deceptively straightforward, but hear me out. Plenty of things can get in the way of restful, restorative downtime, and the truth is, a lot of us aren’t great at relaxing in practice. It’s a skill worth refining, though—we all need ways to recuperate from the many stressors of the world for the sake of our mental health.

  •  Know what actually relaxes you.

It might sound obvious, but tons of people aren’t very discerning or creative about how they spend their downtime. “People often think they’re resting when they’re really not,” clinical psychologist Ryan Howes, Ph.D., tells SELF.

For example, maybe you tend to count scrolling through Twitter for a couple of hours as relaxation. That might be restful to some people, but for many, it’s more stressful than anything. Or maybe you force yourself to do things that you’ve heard are supposed to be relaxing—like meditating, napping, or taking a bubble bath—when you actually find them super boring or unhelpful. Relaxation isn’t one-size-fits-all

Importance of Quality Sleep and Effective Strategies for Restful Nights

Why Quality Sleep is Important: The overall well-being of an individual largely depends on the quality of sleep they get each night. However, some people struggle to sleep deeply and feel rejuvenated afterward. This article will explain why good sleep is important and how it can be achieved by following certain practices. Additionally, we will discuss stress’ effects on rest as well as show you how power naps can help promote overall health and energy throughout the day.

The Significance of Quality Sleep: Restful sleep supports physical wellbeing besides mental and emotional health too. When we are asleep, our bodies undergo essential repair processes that enable tissues to grow as well as muscles to recover from any damage caused during activities or exercise. Getting enough rest strengthens immunity against diseases such as heart related ones like high blood pressure while balancing hormones in the body. Additionally, adequate sleep is necessary for memory consolidation which leads to better performance cognitively speaking; this also contributes towards emotional resilience among other benefits.

  • Physical Recovery: The deepest phases of slumber are responsible for repairing body parts including cells thereby facilitating growth physically.
  • Immune System: A good night’s rest helps bolster immunity thus warding off infections alongside reducing inflammation within the body.
  • Mental Alertness: Proper amounts of slumber improve thinking abilities problem solving skills memory retention etcetera

Healthiest Vegetables on Earth

Vegetables are well-known for being good for your health. Most vegetables are low in calories but high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

However, some vegetables stand out from the rest with additional proven health benefits, such as the ability to fight inflammation or reduce the risk of disease.

This article takes a look at the healthiest vegetables and why you should include them in your diet.

Quick Tips for Eating Healthy While Pregnant

Certain nutrients, such as protein, iron, folic acid, and iodine, are required in greater quantities during pregnancy. It's also critical to consume enough calcium.
Making good eating choices during pregnancy will help you have a healthy pregnancy and baby. Here are some suggestions to help you eat well while pregnant.

Maintain a healthy dietary routine.


  • Eating healthily entails sticking to a balanced diet that includes a variety of healthful foods and beverages.
  • Consume a wide range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and protein-rich foods.
  • Reduce the amount of added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium in your diet by choosing foods and beverages with fewer added sugars, saturated fats, and sodium (salt).
  • Refined grains and carbohydrates, which can be found in cookies, white bread, and some snack items, should be avoided.
  • If you're feeling nauseous, try a slice of whole-grain toast or a handful of whole-grain crackers

Here Are Some Tips For Cleaning Greasy Hair

Every woman out there hates having greasy hair! The unwelcome greasy hair ruined everything, whether it was a vital meeting, a special date, or you simply wanted to feel nice for the day. You could be perplexed as to why life has treated you so unfairly. We're here to dispel the mist and clarify the process of getting rid of oily hair. Let's first determine what is to blame.

Apply these natural things to avoid the strong rays of the sun, you will get many tremendous benefits

In summer, women use sunscreen to protect themselves from the sun's rays. Because there is a risk of skin damage due to exposure to sunlight. In such a situation, problems like dullness, redness and pigmentation start happening. To avoid this, women use sunscreen. But due to excessive chemicals in it, it can also cause damage to the skin. In such a situation, you can use natural things instead of sunscreen.

Know - Benefits and side effects of dark chocolate

Chocolate is not only the choice of children and young women but now it is also included in the gifts given on birthdays or any celebrations. They are available in so many attractive and different flavors that you just can't resist trying them many times. But do you know that chocolate has more benefits than just taste? We are telling you some such benefits of chocolate, knowing that you too will not be able to stop yourself from eating chocolate-
Among the many types of chocolates available in the market, dark chocolate is the best. The amount of sugar in it is very little or no, and this chocolate is most beneficial for your health.

Pregnancy care tips

Pregnancy is an energizing time for numerous ladies, but it can too be overpowering and indeed frightening at times. Taking great care of yourself amid pregnancy is basic for both your claim wellbeing and the wellbeing of your developing infant. Here are a few pregnancy care tips to assist you've got a solid and cheerful pregnancy.

Eat a sound diet
Eating a well-balanced slim down is critical amid pregnancy, because it gives the fundamental supplements for the development and advancement of your child. Make beyond any doubt to incorporate bounty of natural products, vegetables, entire grains, incline protein, and low-fat dairy items in your count calories. Maintain a strategic distance from handled nourishments, sugary drinks, and intemperate amounts of caffeine.

The newest beauty trend on Instagram is nose makeup, and here are several examples.

We adore the 'gramme for constantly bringing fresh and outrageous beauty trends to the fore. Social media makeup trends are extremely intricate, occasionally experimental, and almost always very stunning. And all those gorgeous social media users that try out the trend and absolutely slay make these trends come to life! It's a lot of fun to experiment with popular beauty trends, especially when you 

Striking a Balance Examining Exercise for Relaxation and Fitness

The importance of relaxation in fitness today is beyond exaggeration. While intense exercise will help you achieve physical well-being, adding some relaxation techniques into your workout regime will promote stress reduction, recovery and also enhance inner peace. This broad exploration looks at fitness in relaxation workouts discussing the benefits, principles, techniques and practices that make a holistic approach towards fitness and relaxation.

Comprehending Fitness in Relaxation:Fitness in relaxation is an integrated program promoting total health and wellness, which combines physical activity with stress-relief or relaxation methods. In contrast to other forms of strenuous exercises done for their own sake, programs of this nature aim at creating a synchrony between exertion and rest so as to give back to the body the recuperation capacity that it needs to go on thriving. The main features of fitness in relaxation include:

  • Balance: Attaining balance is crucial to relaxation fitness, because it implies having a good mix of activities and rests, strains and easements, and tenses and loosens. By incorporating some breaks into your exercise schedule you can avoid getting burnt out, minimize the risk of injuries while maximizing performance.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Relaxation fitness underscores the mind-body connection thus claims that mental health as well as emotional balance play a significant role in overall fitness. Through this technique, one gets to engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, visualization among other mind relaxation workouts aimed at increasing awareness, presence and inner peace.
  • Stress Reduction: Stress is an all-pervasive fact of contemporary life which may have serious effects on physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Fitness in relaxation focuses on stress reduction using methods such as progressive muscle relaxation exercises, guided imagery sessions or autogenic training sessions that are helpful in relieving tension headaches or anxiety fatigue.
  • Recovery and Regeneration (continued): ...development. Proper recovery ensures repair of damaged tissues, restoration of energy stores for the next bout of activity and an adjustment to workout demands thereby leading to improved performance with time.

How to Remove Tan from Cucumber and Rose Water

Cucumber is a watery veggie, which is not only a good cooling agent but also a perfect natural bleaching agent. On the other hand rose water like Dabur Gulabari rosewater or homemade rose water helps in removing the blemishes over skin. Used in a right manner, these 2 ingredients will help you get the original colour of your skin in the following way

Ten of the top moisturisers under a thousand rupees

Moisturizer is an essential part of even the most fundamental skincare regimen, the CTM routine. In addition to hydrating the skin, a moisturiser also helps to stop trans-epidermal water loss. Additionally, it works to prevent wrinkles. There are several economical choices for moisturising that are available and range in price from under Rs 1000. Here are a few of our favourites.

जानिए- क्या है प्लास्टिक सर्जरी और कब पड़ती है जरूरत? जानें इसकी आवश्यक जानकारी

जब हम प्लास्टिक सर्जरी का नाम सुनते हैं तो ज्यादातर लोगों को लगता है कि ये एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया है जिसमें व्यक्ति के बाहरी रंग-रूप और बनावट को बेहतर बनाया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए- नोज जॉब (नाक की सर्जरी), ब्रेस्ट ऑगमेंटेशन (स्तन की वृद्धि), टमी टक (पेट कम करवाना) आदि। ये सभी कॉस्मेटिक सर्जरी हैं जो प्लास्टिक सर्जरी का एक अहम हिस्सा हैं लेकिन प्लास्टिक सर्जरी का मतलब सिर्फ इस तरह की सर्जरी ही नहीं है। 
प्लास्टिक सर्जरी में रीकंस्ट्रक्टिव यानी पुनर्निर्माण सर्जरी भी शामिल होती है। इन सर्जरियों के माध्यम से चेहरे और शरीर पर दिखने वाली कई तरह की त्रुटियों का समाधान किया जा सकता है।  उदाहरण के लिए- जन्मजात दोष जैसे- कटे-फटे होंठ, हथेली में अतिरिक्त उंगली या फिर शरीर पर जलने के निशान कैंसर  या टोसिस (ptosis) जैसी समस्याओं के लिए की जाने वाली सर्जरी। कई बार प्लास्टिक सर्जरी की मदद से शरीर की कई क्रियाओं को भी फिर से पहले जैसा करने में मदद मिलती है। उदाहरण के लिए- अगर दुर्घटना के बाद हाथ या पैर में कोई विकृति या विकलांगता आ जाए तो प्लास्टिक सर्जरी की मदद से उस विकृति को दूर कर शरीर के उस हिस्से के कार्य करने के तरीके को फिर से पहले जैसा किया जा सकता है


Life Style
Ways to Rebuild a Broken Relationship

  • Initiate a Friendly and Polite Dialogue.

When you initiate a conversation, a simple “Hi” or quick invite is enough. Just the fact that you sent them a message may be enough, but, depending on how they’ve blocked you, you may need to also mention who you are. This is all that needs to be said, and do not say anything else (or send more than one total message) until he or she responds, or you will come off as annoying.

  •  Be Clear About Your Intentions.

Once there’s a dialogue open, utilize it for what it’s worth; be open, upfront, and honest about what you want. This will signal to the other party that you respect him or her and help rebuild the trust that was previously broken. Never expect anyone to read your mind, because the fact of the matter is, nobody can, no matter how much you focus on transmitting thoughts.


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