No need to apply cream-lotion, try these Ayurvedic beauty tips to get glowing skin

Herbs, plants, and other natural ingredients are used in Ayurveda not only for good health but also for the skin. According to the ancient Indian system of medicine, many Ayurvedic packs and masks made from natural ingredients can be used for glowing skin. They help in removing the problems related to the skin.

Actually, there are many beauty secrets in Ayurveda, which help in protecting the natural glow of the skin. Special facial oils, packs, masks, scrubs, and ubtans provide nourishment to the skin and make the face glow. The special thing is that this Ayurvedic beauty recipe can be made from the ingredients present in the kitchen.

सरल सभी प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य युक्तियाँ

1. केला और अंडे के बालों का उपचार

  अपने बालों में थोड़ी और चमक चाहते हैं? बस एक अंडा और एक मैश किया हुआ केला मिलाएं। इसे अपने बालों में एक गाढ़े पेस्ट के रूप में लगाएं और 10 से 30 मिनट के लिए छोड़ दें। अपने सामान्य बाल धोने की रस्म करते हुए इसे धो लें (यदि आप आमतौर पर स्टोर से खरीदे गए कंडीशनर का उपयोग करते हैं तो आपको शायद केवल सिरों को कंडीशन करना होगा)। और वोइला! सुपर सरल, और सभी प्राकृतिक, सौंदर्य युक्ति।

मानसून में अपने पैरों की देखभाल के लिए टिप्स

बारिश के बाद की सफाई


एक बार जब आप बारिश में भीगने के बाद अपने घर में प्रवेश करते हैं, तो आपका पहला काम यह होना चाहिए कि आप अपने पैरों को लगभग 1 कप एंटी-सेप्टिक लोशन के साथ गुनगुने पानी में डुबोएं। अपने पैरों को 10-15 मिनट तक भिगोने के बाद अपने पैरों को एंटीबैक्टीरियल साबुन से धो लें और अपने पैरों को तौलिए से अच्छी तरह सुखा लें। यह आवश्यक है कि आपके नाखूनों को गंदगी और संक्रमण के संचय को रोकने के लिए छोटा और साफ रखा जाए।

Life Style
What makes a healthy relationship?

Every relationship is unique, and people come together for many different reasons. Part of what defines a healthy relationship is sharing a common goal for exactly what you want the relationship to be and where you want it to go. And that’s something you’ll only know by talking deeply and honestly with your partner.

However, there are also some characteristics that most healthy relationships have in common. Knowing these basic principles can help keep your relationship meaningful, fulfilling, and exciting whatever goals you’re working towards or challenges you’re facing together.

Essential Diet minerals : we must take

Eating a healthy diet is important for maintaining optimal physical and mental health. All nutrients are important, but certain minerals play important roles in various bodily functions. In this blog, we look at some essential minerals that are essential for overall health.


Actress Sameera Reddy Discloses Her Beauty Regime And Beauty Products

On social media, Sameera Reddy has consistently promoted self-love. The actor and mother of two posts interesting content on her Instagram account about a variety of topics, including motherhood, mental health, and beauty. 

How to Take Care of Contact Lenses!

Risks of Wearing Contact Lenses
Contact lenses that are too old or don't fit properly can irritate your eyes. They can also cause blood vessels to develop into your cornea, posing a serious risk to your vision.
Contact lens difficulties can be caused by eye drops. When using contacts, it's advisable to avoid applying any form of eye drop. However, if your eye doctor recommends it, you can use wetting drops or preservative-free lubricating drops.
If your eyes are very red, painful, watery, or sensitive to light, take out your contact lenses and call your eye doctor straight once. If your eyesight is hazy or you observe a discharge (ooze or pus) coming from your eye, do the same. These could be signs of a significant eye condition.


डायबिटीज से ब्लड प्रेशर तक, बासी रोटी खाने के फायदे जानकर हैरान रह जाएंगे आप

अक्सर आपने लोगों को बासी खाना न खाने की राय देते हुए सुना होगा। बासी खाना को सेहत के लिए खराब समझा जाता है। 12 घंटे से ज्यादा रखा हुआ बासी खाना खाने से फूड पॉइजनिंग, एसिडिटी और पेट खराब होने की संभावना रहती है। इतना ही नहीं बल्कि, बासी खाने को गर्म कर के खाने से सेहत को कई घातक नुकसान भी पहुंच सकते हैं। 
लेकिन आपको ये जानकर हैरानी होगी कि हर बासी खाना सेहत को नुकसान नहीं पहुंचाता है। कुछ खाने की चीजें ऐसी भी होती हैं जो बासी होने के बाद सेहत को ज्यादा फायदा पहुंचाती हैं। जिनमें से एक गेहूं है। भारत के ज्यादातर घरों में गेहूं के आटे से ही रोटी बनाई जाती है। इसके साथ ही ज्यादातर भारतीयों में जरूरत से ज्यादा खाना बनाने की आदत भी होती है। जिस वजह से अक्सर घरों में रोटियां बच जाती हैं। बची हुईं रोटियां या तो फेंकनी पड़ती हैं या फिर किसी जानवर को खिलानी पड़ती हैं। लेकिन हम आपको बासी रोटी के ऐसे फायदों के बारे में बता रहे हैं जिन्हें जानने के बाद आप घर में बची हुई रोटी को फेंकने के बजाए खुद ही खाना पसंद करेंगे।


Creating Home: Examining Creative Home Design

Natural Sanctuary: Help The Environment Houses for a Future That Is Greener healthy home design becomes a guiding concept as environmental awareness gains prominence. Learn how architects are combining renewable materials, energy-efficient technologies, and eco-friendly designs to make houses that are both environmentally friendly and low-carbon.

Benefits of Shashankasana and How to Do it .

Body positions known as asanas can help to stabilise both the body and the psyche. Since the word "shashank" in Shashankasana refers to the moon, it is also known as the moon position. Sasakasana is also known as.  Shashankasana is also known as the hare position. Sasaka is the Sanskrit word for hare or rabbit,

Getting Around the Digital Planet: Checking the Most Recent Developments in Smartphone Technology

5G Technology: A Development in Speed: With the world moving toward fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks, mobile device speed and connectivity are increasing to previously unheard-of levels. 5G technology promises reduced latency, faster upload and download speeds, and the ability to connect multiple devices at once. This innovation paves the way for revolutionary  technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the Internet of Things (IoT) in addition to faster streaming.


Life Style
Managing Your Look and Career: BeautyCareTips Guide to a Happy Lifestyle at Work

Love in the Workplace: Creating Best Bonds and Connections Explore the impact of love in the workplace with the insights provided by BeautyCareTips. Read about the advantages of building loving relationships with coworkers, making positive connections, and creating a supportive work environment that all contribute to your overall well-being.


Stress Relief therapies must to try therapies

Stress is a common experience that affects everyone at some point in their lives. Although it's a natural reaction to difficult situations, chronic stress can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. Therefore, it is important to look for treatments to reduce stress. In this blog, I will share some effective remedies for stress relief.


मसूर की दाल देगी आपकी त्वचा को प्राकृतिक चमक; जानें इसके फायदे और इसे कैसे इस्तेमाल करें।

हम सभी जानते हैं कि दाल प्रोटीन से और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होती है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि यह दाल आपको बेदाग और चमकदार त्वचा पाने में भी मदद कर सकती है। मसूर दाल आपकी त्वचा के लिए भी अच्छी होती है। यह त्वचा की कई तरह की समस्याओं को दूर करने में आपकी मदद करती है। तो आइए जानते हैं मसूर की दाल के फायदे और इसे अपनी त्वचा पर कैसे इस्तेमाल करें।

मसूर दाल है अनोखी
अगर आप मसूर की दाल को देखकर ही मुंह बना लेते हैं तो आपको इस बात को जान लेना चाहिए कि यह आपके लिए कितनी फायदेमंद हो सकती है। आप शायद इस बात से अनजान होंगे कि दाल खाने और लगाने दोनों से ही आपकी त्वचा को फायदा हो सकता है। तो आइए जानते हैं ग्लोइंग और हेल्दी स्किन के लिए मसूर दाल के फायदे।


Natural ways to thicken your brows at home

Eyebrow care is crucial for both men and women since the structure of our brows can affect how we seem. While most of us get our brows shaped by a professional, there are occasions when we are in a rush and accidentally pluck away more eyebrow hair than we planned. If this has happened to you, there are some quick, natural home cures that will help you regrow your brows more quickly.

Castor oil: Castor oil has an important component of a chemical that promotes hair development. Apply castor oil to each brow and massage it in for two or three minutes. Set the timer for 30 minutes. Then, using lukewarm water and a light cleaner wash your brows. You'll need to continue this method for a few days before seeing any benefits. If you experience any irritation, stop immediately.

Have you used the trend known as "viral siren eyes"?

If there is one trend making the rounds in the world of beauty, it is siren eyes. Most trend setters around the world, from Bella Hadid to Rihanna, are completely enamoured with the style.

चेहरे का पिम्पल हटाना है तो आजमाएं कुछ ऐसे ट्रिप्स

कभी-कभी शरीर की आंतरिक गर्मी के कारण चेहरे पर मुंहासे भी दिखाई देते हैं, कभी-कभी यह धूल और धुएं के कारण भी होते हैं। 

Try it when nothing is there, these home remedies will give instant relief in ear pain

Usually, ear pain occurs due to an infection or a cold, but sometimes ear pain occurs due to some other reasons as well. The Eustachian tube runs from the middle of the ear to the back of the throat. The Eustachian tube produces fluid in the middle of the ear, when the fluid builds up due to blockage of the tube, pressure on the eardrum begins. This causes pain in the ear. If left untreated, the fluid can become infected and cause an ear infection, and this can make your earache worse.

There are some health-related problems in our life, which suddenly surround us anytime and anywhere without any initial symptoms. One such problem is an earache. If this pain increases, then it turns into unbearable pain. If you also have a complaint of ear pain, then there is no need to tell how painful it is. Sometimes earache is complained of due to the accumulation of dirt inside the ear or due to some kind of infection.

What are your most effective beauty secrets?

Drink enough:
Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin hydrated and gives it a healthy, glowing appearance.

Get enough sleep:
Getting enough sleep helps your body repair and regenerate, reducing dark circles and puffiness around your eyes.

Very Important Ancient Cosmetic for the Eyes

In many parts of India, it is believed that kajal wards off evil spirits, which is why a small dot on children's heads is applied every morning—to protect them from the 'evil eye'. ... In modern times, the main purpose of kajal is to accentuate and add definition to the eyes.

The ‘Kajal’ is a very important ancient cosmetic for the eyes. It is an essential eye makeup which has been in tradition from the very olden days. Kajal ancient eye cosmetic is basically a cosmetic for women and girls. But in India it has always been used for infants and children as well. It’s also used on boys too in India. Even now, many tribal men are seen wearing kajal.


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