
How do you reduce the oiliness of your skin?

Living with oily skin can be aggravating, and it might feel as if you've never grown out of being an uncomfortable adolescent plagued by pimples and blackheads. The good news is that there is assistance available, ranging from specialty cosmetics to skin-boosting nutrients.

Today, though, I'd want to concentrate on easy, efficient, and inexpensive home cures. There were several candidates for this list, as well as a couple suggestions that immediately drew my ire - please note that toothpaste is not the way to go when it comes to treating spots! However, I've come up with seven natural alternatives that you should be able to adopt from the convenience of your own house.

Aloe vera

If you've read any of my other skin blogs, you'll notice that I'm a big admirer of this specific treatment, and for good reason. Whether you're drinking aloe vera juice to assist good digestion or applying it to your skin, aloe vera is naturally cleaning and highly adaptable.

It's naturally anti-microbial, which is a feature you want in your skin products if you have oily skin because it implies it can fight bacteria that clog your pores. Aloe vera can also absorb excess oil, resulting in a more even complexion.

It's worth noting, however, that aloe vera may be rather abrasive on delicate skin, so I'd always recommend testing aloe vera gel before applying it to your face. Aloe vera gel can be found in most healthfood stores, or you can make your own by extracting it from the aloe vera plant's leaves! Aloe vera is a wonderful houseplant that requires little care and can even filter the air in your home, reducing indoor pollution!

You might also look for a skincare product that already has this component, like Aloe Pura's Aloe Vera Gel with Vitamins A, C, and E.

Jojoba oil

Applying more oil to your already oily skin isn't a good idea. You're probably thinking, "Thanks, but no thanks," but hold on a second. Oils, it turns out, can be beneficial to oily skin. Because most oils are high in vitamins, minerals, and anti-inflammatory compounds, they can be a beneficial addition to your beauty routine.

Jojoba oil is the oil of choice for me. Despite its name, jojoba oil is actually a liquid polyunsaturated wax rather than oil, which may seem even less enticing. Nonetheless, it's mild and might help you balance your sebum oil production. Because it contains qualities that are so similar to sebum oil, it can fool your skin into believing it's already creating more oil, preventing sebum oil overproduction in the first place.

Most healthfood stores carry good quality jojoba oil, and because it's a carrier oil, you may blend it with other oils like geranium essential oil or chamomile oil.

Honey and oatmeal

Oatmeal and honey - it seems more like a healthy breakfast than a face mask recipe, but it's actually rather effective. Both oatmeal and honey are anti-inflammatory in nature, with honey additionally acting as an antibacterial agent!

Oatmeal may absorb excess oil while also being incredibly moisturising, so it may persuade your skin to create less sebum oil, while honey can soothe irritation and redness — they're the ideal duo! Just make sure you use ground oats and use as much organic and natural honey as possible - Manuka honey is my personal preference.


Cucumbers are a fantastic complement to your skincare routine and part of a nutritious salad. You may think of cucumbers as something to put in sandwiches, but they can also be quite useful for oily skin. It has moisturising, astringent, and tightening properties.

There are a variety of cucumber face mask recipes out there, but my favourite is blending cucumbers with egg whites and a touch of lemon juice. Cucumbers are naturally detoxifying and rich in antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin A, E, and magnesium. Allow 15-30 minutes on your face to assist relieve your discomfort.


Tomatoes, like cucumbers, may seem like they belong in your sandwiches and salads, but they, too, have a variety of surprising benefits for your oily skin. They can assist to regulate the pH of your skin while also decreasing sebum production and closing open pores.

They're also high in vitamin C and can help with inflammation and skin detoxification. So, what's the best method to help them realise their full potential? While tomatoes are good for your health, you don't need to dress them up for your skin — a raw, pureed tomato should suffice! To puree one medium tomato, simply place it in a blender. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off.

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