All About Bakuchiol, the Most Trendy Ingredient in Skincare

If you follow Instagram skincare influencers, you've definitely heard about bakuchiol, a miraculous retinol substitute. What is it then? And why should it be a part of your daily routine?

हफ्तेभर में स्‍किन बन जाएगी गोरी और बेदाग, आजमाएं बस बेसन और दही का नुस्‍खा

आजकल की भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में धूल और प्रदूषण चेहने का निखार छीन लेते हैं। ऐसे में लोग बाजारों में मिलने वाले ब्यूटी प्रॉडक्ट्स का सहारा लेते हैं। ये प्रॉडक्ट्स न सिर्फ महंगे होते हैं बल्कि इनके साइड इफेक्ट्स भी हो सकते हैं। चेहरा अगर दाग-धब्‍बों और कालेपन से भरा हो तो अंदर का आत्‍मविश्‍वास कम होने लगता है। इसलिए जरूरी है कि आप अपने चेहरे को सूरज की धूप से बचाएं और जब भी बाहर निकलें तो चेहरे को पूरी तरह से कपड़े से कवर कर के ही निकलें।

मैदे का फेस पैक

मैदा स्‍किन पर जमी हुई डेड स्किन सेल्स को निकालता है। जिससे स्किन पोर्स अच्‍छी तरह से साफ हो जाते हैं। यह गहराई से अंदर जाता है और पोर्स की सफाई करता है। फेस पैक बनाने के लिए मैदा, टमाटर, दही, शहद और मिल्‍क पाउडर मिक्‍स करें। इस मास्क को अपनी त्वचा पर लगाएं और इसे पूरी तरह सूखने दें। उसके बाद चेहरे को पानी से धो लें।

Your Guide To Grey Hair Treatment

Even while having grey hair is a sign of experience and maturity, premature greying is never desirable. If you don't like the salt and pepper look, here's how to cure grey hair.

What Should You Avoid When Treating Grey Hair?


Home Treatments For Scalp Itchiness

Does your scalp ever feel itchy all the time? Are you uncomfortable with it? If the answer is yes, you may have a situation that requires your immediate attention. When you have an itchy scalp, you have a strong sense of irritation in your scalp that makes you want want to scratch. Scalp pruritus is the medical name for an itchy scalp.

How to Get Fair Skin Fast Permanently with Turmeric (Haldi) & Milk for Whiter Fairer Skin

हालांकि हल्दी कई दक्षिण पूर्व एशियाई व्यंजनों में पाई जाती है, प्राकृतिक चिकित्सक। यह वास्तव में एक लंबे समय से चली आ रही दक्षिण भारतीय मसाला है जिसे कई उपयोगों के लिए भरोसा किया गया है। यह न केवल एक स्वादिष्ट और रंग देने वाला एजेंट है, बल्कि वह कहती है कि यह एक औषधीय और सुंदर जड़ी बूटी भी है। वास्तव में, वह नोट करती है कि यह वैज्ञानिक रूप से एक विरोधी भड़काऊ के रूप में सिद्ध हुआ है जो लालिमा और खुजली को शांत करता है।

Custom-made Supplements by Nutrient Navigators

In this dynamic world of dietary trends and lifestyles, people mind not only what they eat but also the supplements that they integrate into their daily routines. This means being able to customize supplement intake for vegans, keto dieters or paleo followers is very important so as to meet unique nutritional requirements while sticking to personal beliefs. This guide provides a comprehensive look into personalized diet plans.

Understanding Different Diets:To understand customized supplement plans, let’s first go through a brief overview of the three diets. These include vegan, keto and paleo diets:

Vegan Diet:

  • A vegan diet excludes all animal products such as meat, dairy products, eggs and honey.
  • Promotes plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Possible nutrition concerns are getting enough protein; iron; calcium; vitamins B12; omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Calcium: Many plant-based foods contain calcium, but vegans need to be cautious about it, particularly when they avoid fortified foods. Daily calcium requirements can be met with the help of calcium supplements such as calcium carbonate or calcium citrate.
  • Vitamin K2: Vitamin K2 does its work in synergy with vitamins D and C, which are responsible for strengthening the bones and normalizing the processes involving them. For example, vegans can get vitamin K2, which is not present in a substantial amount in their diets from fermented foods like natto. Alternatively, vegan vitamin K2 supplement intake would suffice.

Benefits of makeup

For most women, makeup is the most important tool in their everyday beauty armory. Makeup mainly is used to change or enhance the way we look, to feel more confident, and also to hide our imperfections. Makeup can be termed as a cosmetic device that is used to prettify or add color to your face.

                                                                                              BENEFITS OF WEARING MAKEUP

It doesn’t mean that women wear makeup just because of looking nice. There are also some benefits to wearing makeup. Now have a look at the benefits of wearing makeup.

Life Style
Building a healthy relationship

All romantic relationships go through ups and downs and they all take work, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and change with your partner. But whether your relationship is just starting out or you’ve been together for years, there are steps you can take to build a healthy relationship. Even if you’ve experienced a lot of failed relationships in the past or have struggled before to rekindle the fires of romance in your current relationship, you can find ways to stay connected, find fulfillment, and enjoy lasting happiness.


The Skin care tips to beat the heat

Nothing damages your skin as much as the summer does. This time of year, tan, pigmentation, sunburn, sun damage, and blisters are all fairly frequent. You don't want sun-burned cheeks or blistered arms. Right? When a result, you should be sure to take good care of your sensitive skin, which is also your body's largest organ, as the mercury rises. 

Usages, Advantages, and Side Effects of Flaxseed Oil

Today, as people grow more health conscious, there is a high demand for foods with excellent nutritional content. Since the dawn of civilization, one such crop has increased in both cultivation and health advantages. Flaxseed is officially known as Linum usitatissimum L, which means "extremely beneficial" in Latin.

Ice on the face can be beneficial but can also be harmful in the long run.

If you use social media, you've definitely seen videos of famous people and beauty bloggers rolling a few ice cubes on their faces or submerging their faces in a basin of cold water. In 2022, the "icing the face" fad was big, and it doesn't seem like it's going anywhere anytime soon. While the cosmetic craze may appear to have many perks, such as unclogged pores, 

Life Style
Understanding Emotions Is Important to Your Relationship

We all go through millions of emotions in our relationship, and those emotions create brain chemicals that change the way we feel. Sometimes we are in a positive frame of mind (hopefully most of the time), and other times we can be neutral or even having negative feelings about our partners and ourselves.

Being able to trust your lover with your feelings is part of having a great relationship. When you share something personal—perhaps that you are anxious about something at work—and your partner is supportive, it builds trust. It also gives you more strength to deal with whatever your issue is.

पुरुषों की त्वचा के लिए 14 अद्भुत शीतकालीन ब्यूटी टिप्स

यदि आप ऐसे व्यक्ति हैं जो नियमित रूप से त्वचा देखभाल और सौंदर्य प्रवृत्तियों के साथ बने रहते हैं, तो आपको पता होगा कि पिछले कुछ वर्षों में पुरुषों के लिए त्वचा देखभाल और लक्जरी सौंदर्य उत्पादों में उछाल देखा गया है। हालांकि, पुरुषों के लिए स्किनकेयर रूटीन बनाना अभी भी मुश्किल है जो उनके लिए अच्छा काम करता है। कोई नहीं जानता कि कहां से शुरू करें; एक मिथक यह भी है कि एक आदमी की त्वचा को मौलिक रूप से अलग त्वचा देखभाल व्यवस्था की आवश्यकता होती है, क्योंकि यह मोटा और सख्त होता है।

Art of Fashion Modeling Loving Beauty Beyond the Surface

In the dazzling world of fashion, where creativity intertwines with elegance, fashion modeling stands as a pivotal force shaping trends, aesthetics, and perceptions of beauty. Beyond the glitz and glamour, fashion modeling is a multifaceted art form that goes far deeper than striking poses on the runway or gracing the covers of magazines. It is a realm where beauty is celebrated in its myriad forms, and where individuals serve as canvases upon which designers visions come to life. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly glamorous profession lies a complex tapestry of challenges, responsibilities, and the pursuit of perfection.

10 स्पेशल हेल्थ टिप्स जो आपको कोई नहीं बताएगा, हेल्दी रहने के लिए जरूर जान ले |

1. सुबह आप आधे घंटे योग जरूर करें | योग और मेडिटेशन आपको शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ रखेगा | हालांकि अक्सर महिलाएं योग न करने का बहाना ढूंढ लेती है | हेल्दी रहने के लिए कोई भी बहाना न बनाये |  

2. कभी भी किसी दवा को ठंडे पानी से नहीं खाना चाहिए | दवाई हमेशा सादे पानी से ही खाये | सुबह उठकर सबसे पहले गुनगुना पानी पिए | गुनगुना पानी आपकी बॉडी में मौजूद टॉक्सिन को बाहर निकाल देता है | 


Fashion trends for the next season, as seen by a designer

Fashion is an ever-changing industry and both designers and consumers must always be ahead of the fashion curve. The next season will soon dawn with collections created by designers from far and wide who want to capture the most recent trends. This article examines some of the most awaited fashion designs that are expected to take over catwalks and closets this coming season.In recent times, there has been a noticeable shift towards sustainability within the fashion sector which is predicted to continue in this upcoming season. Eco-friendly fabrics, ethical production techniques, and concepts of circular fashion are now more important than ever for designers. Look out for outfits made out of organic cotton, recycled materials as well as new-age sustainable fabrications. From zero-waste customizations to upcycled couture, we are aware that sustainability goes beyond being another passing fad as it remains the mainstream direction of the fashion movement.

The Bright Colors and Hues:Goodbye to weak tones, a welcome riot of colors! The next season is all about bold and bright shades. From electric blue and fiery red to sun yellow and lush green, be ready for a burst of shades on the runways. Designers are in love with color like never before, hence their collections are infused with energy, optimism, and joie de vivre. Whether you go for head-to-toe color blocking or playfully add some colorful details, do not forget about the vibrant palette that will make your style shine.

Casual Tailoring:Designers have come up with a relaxed approach towards classic tailoring due to changes in modern lifestyle. This means oversized shapes, unstructured cuts, and easy fits that provide comfort without compromising style. We’re talking slouchy suits, flowy dresses, voluminous coats; all subtle elegance wrapped up in a nonchalantly cool vibe. Relaxed tailoring is ideal for the fashion-forward female who wants both style and convenience retaining an emphasis on comfort as well as flexibility.

ग्लोइंग स्किन के लिए चेहरे पर इन फलों की त्वचा का इस्तेमाल करें

गर्मियों में, त्वचा की देखभाल करने के लिए आप कुछ फलों के छिलकों से अपनी त्वचा निखार सकते हैं। इसके लिए आपको बस कुछ फलों के छिलके चाहिए।

The Dulhan Wali Feeling Is The Focus Of The Most Recent Mohey Campaign

Pieces of poignant memories are included in the new Mohey advertisement. The new Mohey, Kiara Advani, resembles the sweetest Dulhan there is. In a rani pink bridal lehenga with amazing flower embroidery, she looks lovely.

How to do eye makeup like a pro.

Without a doubt, your eye makeup can take your beauty game to the next level! However, learning how to apply eye shadow flawlessly can be scary, especially if you are a newbie. However, in order to create a gorgeous look for yourself, you must first master the basics! There are enough and more ideas to ace your own eye makeup with celebrities providing huge eye makeup objectives and Pinterest serving as a steady source of inspiration. The good news is that your eye makeup can offer a tonne of depth and complexity to your eyes, from an edgy cut-crease to a strong smoky look.
So, how do you choose which colours to use? Or what sort of brushes do you need to make your eye makeup look flawless? A few make-up blunders might make you look more Halloween-ish than date-ish. But don't be concerned! You've arrived to the right location. With a fool-proof tutorial on applying eye makeup like a pro, we've got you covered...


What is the importance of lehenga in our life

The lehenga has its own significance as most of the brides choose to wear it and a lehenga signifies charity, fire, and blood, lehengas resembles purity, joy, and glory and signifies truth.

  • The Casual, Fun element

Swirly lehengas are a lot of fun. They look cute yet are dressy at the same time – this feel is seldom present in any other traditional attire. Pick one with floral prints, tassels, or ones in vibrant colors – and see how the mood transforms from dull to multi-hued.


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