Very Important Ancient Cosmetic for the Eyes

In many parts of India, it is believed that kajal wards off evil spirits, which is why a small dot on children's heads is applied every morning—to protect them from the 'evil eye'. ... In modern times, the main purpose of kajal is to accentuate and add definition to the eyes.

The ‘Kajal’ is a very important ancient cosmetic for the eyes. It is an essential eye makeup which has been in tradition from the very olden days. Kajal ancient eye cosmetic is basically a cosmetic for women and girls. But in India it has always been used for infants and children as well. It’s also used on boys too in India. Even now, many tribal men are seen wearing kajal.

8 Stylish Tips for tall guys

Trying out new styles when you’re tall can be a frustrating endeavour. The good news is, the world of menswear for the taller man is now about so much more than longer-length versions of basic trousers and tees. Here, we share our favourites along with some simple hacks to elevate your summer dressing to new heights.

Styling Tips For Short Girls To Look More Fashionable

Shop vertical stripes

Just like horizontal stripes make you look heavy, vertical ones can make you look taller. While thin stripes are better, thick ones when worn well work just as well. Choose t-shirts, shirts and jackets which have vertical stripes on them.

क्या आप जानते है दीवार पर पैर सटा कर लेटने से आपको ये लाभ मिल सकते है

जबकि हम में से कई लोग अनजाने में अपने पैर दीवार पर रख देते हैं, यह एक योग मुद्रा है जिसके कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ हैं! पदोत्तानासन उस मुद्रा के लिए संस्कृत शब्द है जिसमें आप अपने पैरों को ऊपर रखते हैं। यदि आप अधिक वजन वाले हैं और वजन कम करना चाहते हैं, या यदि आपको थायराइड की समस्या, पीसीओडी, पीसीओएस, अवसाद या तनाव है, तो यह आसन आपके लिए आदर्श है। पदोत्तानासन एक सीधी मुद्रा है जिसे कोई भी कर सकता है। यह कई स्वास्थ्य लाभ भी प्रदान करता है।

Alternative Therapies and Natural Remedies for Holistic Health

In the context of a fast-moving and self-centered world nowadays, many people try to find alternatives to modern medicine that aim at restoring the balance with nature and treating the entire body. From traditional techniques like herbal medicine and essential oils to an increasing focus on the natural health approach called traditional Chinese medicine, an emphasis on capturing the healing power of nature in promoting health and well-being is an emerging trend. In this guide, we will delve into the fundamentals and techniques of natural health and the array of alternative treatments, comprising herbal medicine, essential oils, and traditional Chinese medicine methods such as acupuncture, Tui-Na and herbal remedies.Cultivating the Comfort of Herbal Medicine with Medicinal Herbs:Herbal medicine or botanical medicine that has been practiced by numerous cultures throughout the globe for several millennia is known as herbal medicine. With a plethora of health disorders being treated by its means, it is well known for its properties. It is the complex chemical composition of plants that makes them healing and the relief effects of which the body can derive. Here are some key aspects of herbal medicine:Here are some key aspects of herbal medicine:History and Tradition: The herbal medicine practice has been around in existence for ages, and this dates back to thousands of years ago. The Chinese, Africans and Australian Americans have always used the medicinal plants as a therapeutic approach in their health systems. For example, the Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM) and Native American medicine have long incorporated the use of medicinal plants into their practice.

Plant Identification and Preparation: Herbalists with great attention to detail, not only pick and collect medicinal plants according to their unique traits of being therapeutic but also the benefits that they can bestow to them. The key thing is it can be used for a bartering deal in the various forms of tea, extracts, capsules and ointments.Health Benefits: Herbal medicine can be used to provide health friendly wide range of benefits including sleeping well, digestive health, pain relief and stress management. Echinacea, chamomile, and ginger are some of the most oft-used herbs to boost the immune system, relieve stress, and regulate digestion respectively.Safety and Precautions: However, natural medicine is, usually,safe when taken in due measure;thus, before you fit the herbal remedies into healthcare routine, you should consult a herbalist who is also qualified or see your medical doctor, especially if you have any health problems or you take other drugs. 

Hurry Try These Made-To-Fade Tattoos!

I had a conversation with Josh Sakhai, the co-founder of Ephemeral, the brand of made-to-fade tattoo ink that had just opened its Williamsburg store in March, a few weeks before. The concept was inspired by co-founder Jeff Liu's unfortunate infinity symbol tattoo and his unsuccessful removal attempts

Top 10 Exercise tips in Hindi(हिन्दी)

1. हर कसरत की गणना करें - भले ही यह केवल 30 मिनट का प्रशिक्षण हो


2. प्रतिरोध का विरोध न करें - प्रतिरोध प्रशिक्षण केवल जिम के दिग्गजों के लिए नहीं है, यह किसी के द्वारा भी किया जा सकता है, अनुभव की परवाह किए बिना


How To Look Beautiful Naturally Without Makeup ?

There are many ways to enhance your natural beauty without  makeup. Here are some tips  to look naturally beautiful: 
 Take care of your skin: A good skin care routine can do wonders for your skin. Don't forget to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin regularly to keep it healthy and glowing. 


Life Style
How important are holidays in the family

To help people relaxing: Family holidays are great occasion for each member of the family to get relaxed. Modern family lives are full of tensions and stress. Only a peaceful environment can help them to forget the tensions and rejuvenate the mind and body to lead the life more actively and happily.


  • Promoting Health

A holiday of any kind will work wonders for both a child’s and an adult’s health and wellbeing, allowing them to take some precious time away from the everyday stresses of modern life, be it work or school-related. Often, you will not even realise how much you need a holiday until a few days of rest, relax and recuperation has already worked its wonders.

In addition to overall health, family holidays also tend to involve some form of ‘green exercise’, which related to being active outdoors and has time and time again been proven to boost both physical and mental wellbeing. This is particularly applicable in regards to a glamping holiday, where connecting with nature has a host of benefits, including improving your mood, giving you a confidence boost and helping your body to produce virus and tumour fighting white blood cells.

Holiday Special: A List Of Beauty Purchases for Each Navratri Color

People all around the country appreciate the festival of Navratri because it gives them a chance to dress up and present their best attire for nine days. It is always celebrated with tremendous fervour. Worship of Goddess Durga and her nine incarnations is a part of the nine-day Navratri celebration. For nine days during Navratri, individuals dress in different colours, and each colour has a specific meaning. 

क्या कच्चे दूध से चेहरे के काले धब्बे दूर होते हैं

कच्चे दूध को चेहरे पर लगाने से कई फायदे होते हैं। आपकी त्वचा की देखभाल के लिए कच्चा दूध सबसे अच्छा माना जाता है। कच्चे दूध का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए आपको ज्यादा मेहनत करने की जरूरत नहीं है। इसे त्वचा के लिए सबसे अच्छे घरेलू उपचारों में से एक के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। इसे चेहरे पर लगाने से भी काले धब्बे कम हो जाते हैं। दूध सेहत के लिए काफी फायदेमंद माना जाता है।

Fashion Tips to Ensure You Always Look Stylish

1. Make sure you have reliable wardrobe staples: an iconic little black dress, a pair of jeans that fit perfectly, a classic blazer, simple T-shirts and button-downs in neutral colors, and an effortless leather jacket (or denim jacket). Investing in a capsule collection of mix-and-match basics is the key to looking put together.

Transforming Beauty: The Confluence of Plastic Surgery and Technology

1. Accuracy and Customization: 3D Printing's Ascent: The use of 3D imaging technology has changed the game in the field of plastic surgery. Surgeons can now provide patients a realistic preview of possible results prior to any treatment. This facilitates better communication between the patient and the surgeon and makes it possible to approach aesthetic enhancements in a more precise and customized manner. Patients are better able to comprehend the treatments and properly manage expectations when they can see the desired outcomes.

Life Style
Guide to improving relationships by traveling together

In the lively pace of modern living, where time tables are crowded and distractions come often, it can be hard to allocate quality time for nurturing our relationships. Nevertheless, amid this confusion one activity is prominently singled out as a strong agent for connection, blossom and exploration: traveling together as a pair. In this all-inclusive discussion, we explore how travel changes a relationship, give suggestions on holiday destinations that suit different tastes and provide practical advice for solving potential problems in order to solidify the bond between partners.

Benefits of Traveling Together:However, engaging in an adventure with your lover offers you more than mere escape from home. Listed below are some of the ways through which traveling together can make your relationship stronger:

  • Shared Experiences and Memories: Travelling gives opportunities to couples to create memories that will last forever through shared adventures, cultural discoveries and spontaneous moments of happiness. These experiences constitute the basis of your intimacy making it deeper while providing cherished memories that can help during difficult times.

Know - Benefits and side effects of dark chocolate

Chocolate is not only the choice of children and young women but now it is also included in the gifts given on birthdays or any celebrations. They are available in so many attractive and different flavors that you just can't resist trying them many times. But do you know that chocolate has more benefits than just taste? We are telling you some such benefits of chocolate, knowing that you too will not be able to stop yourself from eating chocolate-
Among the many types of chocolates available in the market, dark chocolate is the best. The amount of sugar in it is very little or no, and this chocolate is most beneficial for your health.

Feeding Your Body: Examining Vital Minerals in a Well-Rounded Diet

Minerals: The Components That Build Health: Discover the mysteries of minerals—the unsung heroes that underpin a host of biological processes. We explore the various functions that minerals perform in maintaining the equilibrium of our bodies, from immune system support to bone health.


Have you used the trend known as "viral siren eyes"?

If there is one trend making the rounds in the world of beauty, it is siren eyes. Most trend setters around the world, from Bella Hadid to Rihanna, are completely enamoured with the style.

#OnOurRadar: A Recap Of This Months Hot New Releases

Do you want to know the latest beauty trends this month? See some of the most interesting recent debuts in skincare and beauty.

यह मार्गदर्शिका वजन घटाने के लिए फिटनेस सिद्धांतों के बारे में विवरण प्रदान करती है। इसमें वर्कआउट से लेकर आहार और जीवनशैली में बदलाव तक सब कुछ शामिल है।

वजन घटाने और फिटनेस को समझना . वजन घटाने के विज्ञान को समझना: वजन कम करना आपके खाने से अधिक कैलोरी खर्च करने पर निर्भर करता है, जिससे कैलोरी की कमी हो जाती है। वज़न कम करने के लिए कैलोरी की गिनती, चयापचय और ऊर्जा के उपयोग के विचारों को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है। . वजन घटाने और फिटनेस: वजन कम करने की कुंजी अक्सर फिटनेस में निहित होती है। यह अधिक ऊर्जा जलाने, स्वस्थ मांसपेशियों को विकसित करने और चयापचय को बढ़ावा देने में मदद करता है। जब आप अक्सर व्यायाम करते हैं, तो आप तेजी से वसा कम करते हैं और वजन कम रखना आसान होता है।



Even complete beginners may master this step-by-step party makeup look.

Dressing up in a stunning gown and applying some fun party makeup may instantly put you in the mood to dance the night away, whether it's ladies' night at your favourite club or your best friend's sangeet. You won't need to rush to the nearest salon for a makeover, either. You'll be ready to rock the party in no time with this simple party makeup regimen.

1. Even simple party makeup styles call for a lot of shimmer and glitter on the eyelids, which is why we suggest starting with the eyes. This allows you to easily dust away any eyeshadow smudges without ruining your base makeup.

2. Begin by using an eyebrow pencil to fill in your brows and define your arches.


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